KODAK EASYSHARE Digital Frame / Decor Series — D725/D825/D1025 Extended user guide

Table of Contents > Viewing and copying pictures > Copying pictures to internal memory

2 Viewing and copying pictures

Copying pictures to internal memory

Copy pictures from a memory card or USB device into your frame's internal memory. Copying to a memory card or USB device from internal memory is not supported.

Removing a card or disconnecting a device while copying may damage your card, pictures, or device.

  1. Insert a memory card or USB device (flash drive, card reader, hard drive). See Inserting a memory card.

The pictures start playing.

  2. Press the Previous or Next arrow button to display the picture to copy.

  3. Press the Copy button.

The copy screen shows where you are copying from. (Example - from SD card to internal memory )

  4. To copy the currently displayed picture, make sure Copy picture is highlighted. If not, press the Next arrow button.

  5. To copy all of the pictures on the card or USB device, press the Next arrow button to highlight Copy all .

  6. Press OK.

NOTE: Copies are automatically resized to a lower resolution (smaller size). Full resolution is unnecessary for viewing and quickly fills up the frame's memory.

Copying many pictures from your computer

The easiest way to copy a large number of pictures from your computer to your frame's internal memory:

  1. Insert an empty memory card or USB storage device into your computer.

  2. Copy all of the pictures from your computer onto the card or USB device.

  3. Remove the card or USB device from your computer and insert it into the frame.

  4. Follow the copy directions on Copying pictures to internal memory.

Copying pictures from your digital camera

The easiest way to copy the pictures from your digital camera to your frame's internal memory:

  1. Remove the memory card from your camera and insert it into the frame.

  2. Follow the copy directions on Copying pictures to internal memory.

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