KODAK DX3500 Digital Camera — User's Guide

Table of Contents > Getting Started > Choosing Internal Memory or Picture Card

1 Getting Started

Choosing Internal Memory or Picture Card

The KODAK DX3500 Digital Camera offers two storage options for taking and storing pictures in the camera:

Internal Memory —take and store up to 50 pictures at Good Quality (16 pictures at Best Quality) in the camera's 8 MB of internal memory. You always have memory in the camera, even if you don't have a Picture Card with you.

Picture Card —take and store as many pictures as you like, depending on the size and number of cards you have. Optional KODAK Picture Cards can be purchased separately on our Web site at
http://www.kodak.com/go/accessories. For Picture Card storage capacities, see Picture Storage Capacities.

You can capture pictures on a Picture Card, then copy and save your favorites into internal memory (see Copying Pictures).

Changing Your Storage Location Setting

Your storage location setting determines where your pictures are stored when you take them and where the camera looks for them when you are in Review mode.

Use the Image Storage menu, available in all three positions on the Mode dial, to change the setting. See Mode Dial—Settings and Menus for how to access the Mode dial menus.

  1. In any menu screen, highlight the Image Storage menu .

  2. Press the Select button.

  3. Highlight the storage location you wish to use, then press Select.

AUTO (default)—when the setting is Auto, the camera uses the Picture Card if one is installed in the camera. If no Picture Card is installed, the camera uses internal memory.

INTERNAL MEMORY—when the setting is Internal Memory, the camera always uses internal memory, even if a Picture Card is installed.

  4. Select Continue (or Cancel to change your mind), then press Select again.

A message appears while the camera changes storage locations.

The setting remains in effect until you change it.

NOTE: No matter which mode you use to access the Image Storage menu, the setting applies to all camera functions—saving pictures as you take them, and reviewing and working with the pictures that are stored in the camera.

Checking Your Storage Setting

In Still mode, the storage location icon that is displayed in the status bar indicates the camera's storage location setting.

  1. Turn the Mode dial to Still .

  2. Press the button and check the storage location icon in the status bar.



Checking Your Picture's Location

In Review mode, the storage location icon that is displayed with a picture indicates the location of the picture, not the camera setting.

  • Turn the Mode dial to Review .

  • The storage location icon indicates the specific location of the picture.

    — picture is stored on a Picture Card

    —picture is stored in internal memory

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