Kodak EasyShare wireless digital picture frame — User's guide

Table of Contents > Changing frame settings > Settings menus

4 Changing frame settings

Settings menus

Setting Options

Upgrade firmware

This option is only displayed if the upgrade file (.img) is available on the frame (memory card, flash drive, internal memory, etc.).

Upgrade firmware - manually load the latest version of firmware on your frame (Upgrading your firmware).

Exit - return to the Home screen.

See Automatically upgrade firmware from the Internet for automatic notification and upgrade of latest firmware from the Internet.

Viewing options

Slide duration - specify how long each picture is displayed in a slide show, from 3 seconds (default) to 1 hour.

Frame orientation - specify whether you wish to display your frame in landscape (default) or portrait orientation.

Transitions - specify the transition style between pictures in a slide show. See screen for options. The default is Random.

Screen Fit or Fill - Fit entire image (default). Show the entire picture. Black borders may appear around the image. Fill the screen . The picture fills the entire screen, some of the picture may be cut off (cropped).

Audio priority - when you are playing music (Playing music), choose how to handle the audio portion of video playback. Play music (default). Music continues to play, video plays but its audio is muted. Play video sound track. Music stops playing while the video, with audio, plays.

Slideshow starting point - specify how far back to start a slide show when your sort order is from oldest to newest (Viewing pictures by date or filename). From 1 week back (default). Slide show starts with the picture that is one week older than the newest picture in your current picture source. From oldest picture. Slide show starts with the oldest picture in your current picture source.


Press to adjust the screen brightness according to your lighting conditions.

Clock and timer

See Setting the clock and timer.

On/Off schedule - set your frame to turn on and off at a specified time every day.

Get time from Internet - select your time zone and press OK. The frame's internal clock is automatically set to the correct time.

Set time - manually set the clock to the current time.

KODAK Gallery

Set up your Kodak Gallery account on the frame. See the Wireless Setup Guide.


Set up your frame for wireless operation. See the Wireless Setup Guide.

Device configuration

Frame name - Assign a name to your frame. This name is referenced when connecting to your wireless network.

USB connection mode - Before you connect a USB computer or printer, choose Connect to computer (default) or Connect to printer. See Manually changing USB connection mode.


Choose your language.

Automatic resizing

Automatic resizing ON - (default) When you copy pictures to internal memory, they are automatically resized to a smaller resolution to save space.

Automatic resizing OFF - Pictures are copied to internal memory at their original size (resolution).


Check your frame model number and firmware version.

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